Alberta Premier Notley Explains How The Trans Mountain Pipeline Is Good For The Environment - FULL COFFEE SHOPS & UNICORNS SPEECH

Alberta Premier Notley Explains How The Trans Mountain Pipeline Is Good For The Environment – FULL COFFEE SHOPS & UNICORNS SPEECH

We have two versions (full and highlights) of Alberta Premier Rachel Notley’s speech to the Alberta Teachers Association conference in Edmonton in which she explains that the Trans Mountain Pipeline will not cause increased carbon emissions because: The demand for oil will increase through 2045 and that demand will be met Read more…


VIDEO: What The Federal Court Ruling Against Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion Actually Said, Why & What’s Next

The recent Trans Mountain court case has groups on both sides fired up and stretching the implications.  This video from BNN Bloomberg calmly explains that Federal Court ruled against the Trans Mountain pipeline on just two grounds: 1: TRANS MOUNTAIN CONSULTATION: The consultation with a small number of indigenous communities was Read more…